Wednesday, November 27, 2013

LUSH Caca Brun Henna Hair Color Review

I never dye my hair, I hate how fried peoples hair looks after they've changed their color tons of times, so I steer clear. But I'm up for anything that's all natural (and weird), so obviously I jumped at the chance to try henna dye. I really really love the way my hair turned out from this, so if you're patient and up to try something new and different (and a little challenging), I seriously recommend.
First thing you need to know about Henna Dye is that it only comes in dark and red hues. You cannot dye your hair blonde with henna, but I suppose you could dye blonde hair darker with it. Caca Brun is advertised as the most subtle of Lush's henna dyes. My hair is brown and I wasn't looking for too drastic of a color change, which is why I went with Caca Brun instead of Caca Noir.
What It Does:
Henna is color that binds to your hair and adds to your original color. It's great if you have grays and it's also just an amazing hair treatment even if it doesn't change your color. It coats each individual hair so it deep conditions your hair making it smooth and tangle-less once its dry.
How To Use It:
Ok so this is where it gets a little complicated. This is NOT like a regualr dye job. Like I said before, you need to have patience to do this. The dye comes solid in bricks. It comes with six bricks, but you don't use all six. The package says two, but if you have a lot of hair you could go with three. My hair goes to the middle of my back and it's THICK- I used two bricks but I probably could have gone with three because I used every bit of the mixture from the two bricks.
  • Put your henna bricks in a double boiler or a pot on the stove. Boil water separately in another pot
  • Add the boiling water to your henna and mix until it's the consistency of brownie batter
  • Apply the henna dye to your hair starting at roots and working out to your ends- cover your whole head
  • Once the henna is applied let it sit for at LEAST an hour. I left it on for two, but you can leave it on as long as you want (next time I'm leaving it on for 3-4 hours) The henna will harden on your hair and look really weird and kind of gross( caca means poo in french...)
  • *If you want your hair to have a reddish hue to the dark brown it will be, cover your head in saran wrap.
  • Rinse the dye out- this may take awhile. I was in the shower for almost an hour. I washed it out with my Jumping Juniper shampoo bar and conditioned it with my Jungle conditioning bar (you will have to wash and repeat a couple of times)
  • Let your hair air dry & love the results! You can henna again in a week if you want to deepen the color.


You need gloves to do this, unless you want your hands to be caca brun-ed for weeks. I also used a bowl and an application brush thats normally used for chemical dye. Keep and open mind when doing this, because at times I was like "WTF am I doing to my hair right now, wtf is this stuff", but it turned out great and I'm so glad I did it. Your color will set over the following few days after the treatment. I gave Caca Brun 5 stars because I just thought the whole process was really unique and cool, and I love the way my hair looks and feels. This isn't for everyone, and if you're used to going to the salon or dying your hair the regular chemical way all the time, you might not like it. I like weird herbal remedies and funky all natural stuff so this was right up my alley. If you try this- good luck! I hope you love it as much as I do!

** All Images in this post are from LUSH, they are NOT my images! To see more product pictures, check out the LUSH website!**

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