Monday, December 2, 2013

LUSH Top Soap Picks

I <3 LUSH soap, & I go through them like crazy. I love the way they're sold (chopped off of big chunks and weighed), and I love the way they leave my skin. While I haven't tried every soap, I've smelled & tried ENOUGH to facilitate a top 5 list. I'm not going to rate these on a star scale, because every one of them would receive 5 stars (duhh they're my faves). If you don't know where to start with LUSH soaps, start with one of these!

5. The Godmother

The Godmother is the scent of bubblegum and candy floss. This isn't usually the scent I look for when purchasing body products, but I wanted to throw something different in here. Although it's not my usual pick, I thought The Godmother smelled delightfully sweet, and I love that about it.

4. Snowglobe

Snowglobe is the scent of grapefruit and lemon. Its a lovely citrus smell that leaves you feeling clean, fresh, and renewed. This soap is a great pick me up for your morning shower, and I love the color. Snowglobe is only available during the holiday season, so if you try it and like it- stock up while you can!

3. Karma

I looove this scent! I use my Karma Kream religiously & I adore the solid perfume, so naturally this soap made my top picks. Karma is made with patchouli, lemongrass, orange oil, and pine oil to create an earthy and luscious scent. Karma is a "classic" scent by lush and if you haven't had the chance to smell it you definitely need to check it out. P.S. My boyfriend hates patchouli, but he loves this scent on me. So if the ingredient list is throwing you off, don't let it. Go smell it for yourself, then decide if you like it.

2. Honey I Washed The Kids
Not surprisingly, Honey I Washed the Kids is on my list. Also not surprisingly, its high up on the list. However, it may be surprising to some that it ISN'T number one. I truly love this soap. I love the scent, and I love the texture... I love everything about it. Honey I Washed The Kids is a toffee, honey, caramel scent that really is just amazing. This was the first LUSH soap I tried, and I will forever be buying it. The only reason I knocked it down to the #2 spot is because I judged it on everyday use. It was between this soap and my #1 pick, and I simply decided I would use my #1 pick more often. Seriously, one of the hardest decisions I've made all week :)

1. Alkmaar

I was so surprised that I did not see this on ONE Lush top soaps list throughout all of the blogs I read. I don't get it! This soap is OUTSTANDING. The smell is so sultry and feminine, and the soap itself is creamy and wonderful. Alkmaar is made with jasmine, honeysuckle, and vetivert, which in my opinion is a knockout combo. I had a really REALLY hard time deciding whether this would be my number one or not, and I finally came to the conclusion that this soap deserved some recognition, so I went for it. Honey I washed the kid's is almost everyone's number one, and I love it too, but when it comes down to it I'd rather smell like a sexy flower than a dessert. Enough said.

** All Images in this post are from LUSH, they are NOT my images! To see more product pictures, check out the LUSH website!**

1 comment:

  1. I loved your review, I am a big fan of Honey I Washed the Kids. I have never tried Alkmaar, and its been a while since I last bought Snowglobe. Will definitively go to Lush to try these! Thanks


