Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Trader Joe's Mini Haul

Trader Joe's is the almighty mecca that so many people are completely obsessed with/ rave about. I however, have never stepped foot inside of one-until yesterday. I'm not sure how it happened, but I stumbled upon a beauty product review site with some excellent reviews on TJ's beauty products. I honestly couldn't believe the prices, and I'm kind of a product snob going on the notion that "the more expensive it is, the better the quality". That being said,  I've spent crazy amounts of money on various high-end products from labels everyone is familiar with, some have been good and some have completely sucked. After reading the reviews on the following products, I had to seek out the ONLY Trader Joe's in my area and see what they had to offer.  I'm going to do separate reviews for each product, but in this post I'll just list what I bought, the prices, and my personal rating (so far)- either Average, Good, or Great.

(In order left to right, top to bottom)

1. Nourish Oil-Free Antioxidant Facial Moisturizer $4.99  - Great

2. Nourish Antioxidant Facial Serum $9.99 - Average

3. Nourish All-In-One Facial Cleanser $4.99 - Great

4. Nourish Spa Balanced Moisturizing Conditioner $2.99 -Great

5. Nourish Spa Balanced Moisturizing Shampoo $2.99 - Good

5. Pomegranate Body Butter $3.99 -Great

As you can see, the prices are RIDICULOUS, in a very good way. So not only are they cheap, they're packed with ingredients you would find in higher end skincare. For details on each product check my posts on each! If you don't have time for all of that I'll just suffice it to say Trader Joe's is definitely worth checking out, and if you end up purchasing then hating any of these products for whatever reason, at least you didn't waste a lot of money giving them a try!

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